PyData London 2023

Teach data science better (a discussion)
06-03, 15:00–15:40 (Europe/London), Beaumont

This discussion session is for educators to talk about how we teach data science in industry and academia. It'll be a guided discussion, we'll vote on the top topics to discuss at the start and then we'll work our way through problems, solutions and new ideas. Maybe we'll get to talk about ChatGPT, or using Jupyter, or when to "teach in an IDE", or how to balance lecture vs problem solving vs homework - all topics can be up for voting at the start.

This discussion session is for educators to talk about how we teach data science in industry and academia. It'll be a guided discussion, we'll vote on the top topics to discuss at the start and then we'll work our way through problems, solutions and new ideas. Maybe we'll get to talk about ChatGPT, or using Jupyter, or when to "teach in an IDE", or how to balance lecture vs problem solving vs homework - all topics can be up for voting at the start.

Prior Knowledge Expected

No previous knowledge expected

Lisa is the lead data science instructor at Digital Futures, with responsibility for the design of our Data Science programme and delivery of a world-class learning experience for our engineers. Lisa has over 10 years experience in the data industry.

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