06-04, 15:00–15:40 (Europe/London), Warwick
This will be a gentle introduction to the world of clinical gait analysis and how your gait (a.k.a the way you walk) is a digital biomarker for predicting physical and cognitive health. We will talk about digital biomarker engineering from unconventional sources of data (footstep sounds for example). To demonstrate a real life application, I will briefly mention how the R&D team at MiiCare uses acoustic machine learning for fall risk assessment for older adults living alone at home and care homes across the UK.
You should join this talk if you are interested in digital health, digital biomarker engineering and applications of AI in social care.
In this talk, we will explore a unique world at the intersection of digital health, machine learning, audio engineering, clinical health science and AI for care service providers in the UK. We will briefly touch all of these domains to establish foundational concepts and then bring them all together in the context of caring for older adults. At the end, you will see a real life application of “acoustic gait detection” for assessing risk of falls in the care home and domiciliary home environment. The application was built entirely on Microsoft Azure using Python, so you will also learn about the implementation stack and the challenges we faced along the way.
This talk does not assume you understand or work in these sectors, but only that you want to stay apprised of what's new in the space of AI and HealthCare.
No previous knowledge expected
I'm the Interim Chief Data Officer at MiiCare, a Medtech company based out of London specialising in AI-powered Virtual Wards and D2A processes for older adults in the UK. My primary responsibilities lie at the intersection of Clinical Data Science, Cloud Architecture Design & Implementation, Data Security and Acoustic Machine Learning. I build AI and Data Infrastructures which empower older adults to live safely, happily and independently in the comfort of their own homes.
I have a Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science & Engineering with majors in AI and Cloud Computing. I have spent the last 5 years collaborating with academic institutions and care service providers in the UK to develop and use AI for the social impact.
If you want to learn more about me, you can connect with me on LinkedIn!