06-02, 13:30–15:00 (Europe/London), Minories
If part of your job is to constantly poke your fellow data scientist to isolate projects environments, updating requirements, cleaning code, writing consistent docstrings, etc., then you should definitely join us for this very hands-on tutorial with reproducibility, compliance, and consistency in mind
We will be covering:
- What is pipx and why using it
- Managing virtual environments and dependencies using pyproject.toml, venv, and pip-tools
- Running pre-commit hooks (black, ruff, isort, pydocstyle, sqlfluff, and a few more!)
- Automating commands using Make with a Makefile
- Bonus: VSCode integration
Code and slides: DrGabrielHarris/pydata-london-2023
No previous knowledge expected
Lead Data Scientist and Data Science Manager at NIQ Brandbank