Johannes Kolbe
Johannes is a Data Scientist at celebrate company by day and an AI storyteller by night.
After experiences in research at Fraunhofer Fokus Institute and tinkering with sensor setups for autonomous vehicles, he decided to get more hands-on and joined celebrate company, where he is now bringing models from the NLP and CV research world into production.
Since last year he occasionally leads a Computer Vision Study Group on the Hugging Face discord server, where he presents papers embedded in presentations with a little geeky twist. You can find the recordings on the Hugging Face Youtube Channel.
He holds a Master's degree in Computer Science with a focus on cognitive systems from TU Berlin.
This will be his first ever conference talk ;-)

We will follow master detective Robot Holmes on his way to solve one of his hardest cases so far - a series of mysterious murders in the city of MLington. The traces lead him to the Vision-Language part of town, which has been a quiet and tranquil place with few incidents until lately. For a few months the neighbourhood has been growing extensively and careless benchmark leaders are dropping dead at an alarming rate.
Robot Holmes sets out to find the cause for this new development and will gather intel on some of the most notorious of the new citizens of the Vision-Language neighbourhood and find out what makes them tick.