PyData London 2023

Alexander Hendorf

Alexander Hendorf is responsible for data and artificial intelligence at the boutique consultancy KÖNIGSWEG GmbH. Through his commitment as a speaker and chair of various international conferences he is a proven expert in the field of data intelligence. He's been appointed Python Software Foundation and EuroPython fellow for this various contributions. He's an dedicated community organiser (PyConDE & PyData Berlin, PyData Südwest, PyData Frankfurt, EuroPython, EuroSciPy). He has many years of experience in the practical application, introduction and communication of data and AI-driven strategies and decision-making processes.


✨ fastAPI facts we wish we'd known beforehand. Spoiler: It's not about getting started.
Alexander Hendorf

An exchange of views on fastAPI in practice.

FastAPI has become an integral part of the PyData ecosytem. FastAPI is great, it helps many engineers create REST APIs based on the OpenAPI standard and run them asynchronously. It has a thriving community and educational documentation.

FastAPI does a great job of getting people started with APIs quickly.

This talk will point out some obstacles and dark spots that I wish we had known about before. In this talk we want to highlight solutions based on experience building a data hub in asset management.
