Sagar Mishra
Sagar Mishra is a core developer of sktime, and a Software Engineer at Oorjaa, a company that specializes in logistics optimization. He holds a Bachelor from the Indian Institute of Dhanbad. Besides, he has volunteered his time as a social worker in NGOs which aims to improve the life quality in underdeveloped regions of India.

sktime is a widely used scikit-learn compatible library for learning with time series. sktime is easily extensible by anyone, and interoperable with the pydata/numfocus stack.
This tutorial explains how to use sktime for three learning tasks with independent instances of time series: time series classification, regression, clustering. It also explains their close connection to time series distances, kernels, and time series alignment, and how to flexibly combine such estimators to classifiers, regressors, clusterers with custom distances/kernels or feature extraction steps.
This is a continuation of the sktime introductory tutorial at pydata global 2021.